Web hosting services usually offer a variety of functions in a hosting package, Email hosting, website hosting and domain hosting. Domain hosting, usually associated with the registration of domain names. The difference to using dedicated servers for hosting is control over the type of applications and operating systems used, as well as the fact that they are not released for other purposes.
There are three main types of full-featured hosting services on the market today.
Dedicated servers – That are used for managed hosting services where the technology - hardware and software - is owned by the client. Renting the service gives the client full control. The administrative part of the contract between the service provider and the contract includes monitoring the server to ensure that it is performing effectively, securing data, providing technical support, and installing security patches.

VPS (Virtualization) - Which mean either the separation or separate identification of computer resources or the combination of smaller individual components to form a uniform source, depends on virtual private servers. This technology is used so that many logical servers can be set up to operate over a single physical server.
The most expensive type of hosting service is a colocation facility. This gives the customer an internet connection with guaranteed constant power and air conditioning. The customer is responsible for maintaining the network and servicing any requirements that may arise, and typically employs technical support for this area.
There are other types of services that are limited to certain applications, Web hosting (website hosting only), email hosting, DNS hosting, game servers and wiki farms. A hosted service provider, as considered in a dedicated server, offers a full range of IT functions.
•The infrastructure
• The software applications
• Security applications
• Data storage
• Website development
• Website hosting
• Email hosting
For many customers, that are now using UK Dedicated server that has the advantage of the same basic IT functions and usually charges the customer a monthly subscription fee. This effectively reduces the cost of the host, which can be passed on to the client. The client also has the option to outsource the network administrator's requests to receive a predictable recurring fee. They also have the advantage of a unified storage center from which information can be disseminated quickly and effectively.
Advantages of using UK dedicated server
The additional cost of implementing UK dedicated server as opposed to shared web hosting can only be measured by observing what others have lost due to excessive outside participation.
Hosting your own websites on your own dedicated servers gives a company a huge advantage in terms of reliability, stability and security. Too often bad coding, scripts, applications and components installed by other users can affect your websites and cost you more in the long run when it comes to time, money and lost information.
Manage security
Onlive Server a hosting company provide fully managed UK based dedicated servers with their security at an extreme level with advanced custom firewalls, threat protection, and intrusion. Accessibility is monitored using various forms of authentication and video recording. On a shared host, you also share its IP address and countless others have access to the server. A shared server uses host header reading software to route traffic from the many websites that use the same host. This can sometimes slow down the process when the server is overloaded. Using this process on your own dedicated server to host our own clients is not so affected due to reduced traffic and the websites that share your server.
The superior performance level of a dedicated server is the result of higher energy efficiency for rapid deployment and application. Processors can be updated, as can memory and storage space. In contrast to a shared server with content from other users, only the desired software and applications are installed on your UK dedicated server hosting. The delays and costs associated with dealing with an external web host are avoided. Your website continues to grow in size and traffic, so you need to monitor maintenance and performance levels to avoid unexpected and costly crashes. Having control over your business and online presence connected to a dedicated server can prevent you from staying awake all night waiting for someone else to fix the problem.
Five reasons why your company needs a dedicated server
1. Should you choose a dedicated server or rent a shared hosting account?
Shared hosting accounts are great for setting up your son or daughter's website, or if you just want to test your technical knowledge. However, if you take security seriously, you'll need to choose cheap dedicated server hosting. With shared plans, you share your space with other people. Are you thinking about whether your accounting records are on the same server as the people trying to attract your customers?
2. How does a dedicated server help your website?
If your site is currently on a shared plan or on a corporate server, you may have experienced times when your site was slow. This can easily be caused by too many people on your server at the same time. If the entire server is reserved for your site, this problem is resolved.
1. Flexibility and software
Shared servers have limited operating system access, and software applications are limited to those provided by the host. If you want to run your own advanced, customized e-commerce or database applications, you probably need a dedicated server.
4. Scalability
As your site grows, your traffic grows, and your applications become more demanding, you need to upgrade your server. Your host can usually increase the amount of space available for your site - but that's all. You can have the feast