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How to Choose a Cheap Windows VPS Server Hosting for your Website?

Writer's picture: Onlive ServerOnlive Server

As important as choosing a vehicle for your company or business, it is to choose an appropriate Cheap Windows VPS Server Hosting, the most common questions are usually: What is a hosting? Does it have to do with my website? What kind of hosting do I need? And How much does it cost? It is logical that when entering a land that one does not know, doubt always takes hold, but for this, we give you some recommendations and tips so that you can choose the right one.

To begin, we explain that it is a hosting to those who have heard the term but who are not clear about it. A Cheap Windows VPS Server hosting or web hosting is nothing more than a virtual space (like empty land) where your domain point (www) and in which you can install your website, store your emails, your forums, blog, database. Depending on the space you have, you can install the applications (programs) you want.

Currently, Onlive Server that provides hosting server service. This, for a simple reason, these are cheaper due to the low cost of their equipment, internet connection, and the full bandwidth that allows them a higher speed compared to other foreigners.


Well, let's see, before purchasing a Cheap Windows VPS Server from Onlive server, the first thing you should consider is the following:

What is the function that my website has with my clients?

If your page is only going to be informative, which is accompanied by a form to be contacted, you do not need much space. In general, these types of sites occupy between 8 and 15 megabytes at most. Then you need a basic hosting plan. (remember that your emails are apart from your website and also occupy the same space).

• If your website functions as a blog which you periodically feed with articles accompanied by your images and videos. Keep in mind that your demand for space gradually increases, then you can start with a small space, and as you need more, you can negotiate with an onlive server hosting provider.

• But if you plan to implement a sizeable dynamic portal, in which many navigators enter to consult as well as the portals that NGOs use, schools, those that sell cars, houses, specialized forums, download light informational materials such as pdf files, photos, etc. You should prefer a Cheap Ukraine VPS server hosting service of the unlimited type, which gives you more space as you need more. Keep in mind that for these types of sites, it is not only a necessary space but also the bandwidth (Speed in which your information is displayed) that plays an important role.

• If you need to implement a virtual store to sell online, it is important that your cheap Wab VPS server hosting has a dedicated IP (real address), Visa, Mastercard companies, among others, force the sales website to have a real address. So you can use their online transaction platforms. Typically, a dedicated IP costs an average of $ 25 to $ 45 in addition to the hosting price

• If you are going to create a mega portal in which you provide constant information as a means of communication, a social network with thousands of users a day, an intranet/extranet for university institutions, or a portal to download programs. You need your cheap Windows VPS server, which you can rent online with Netherlands VPS Server or buy one and install it in your office, the advantage of this is that the space that your hosting depends on you. You can also create unlimited database data, and you have no restrictions regarding applications. You have to take into account security, a good antivirus for server, firewalls for server, a Dedicated IP, among others.

• And finally, if you need to transmit live audio or video, you necessarily need a Streaming service since they contain the hardware, software, and bandwidth support that is necessary to broadcast content in real-time.

Tips to Consider:

• Before opting for a Cheap VPS Server hosting service, take a look at the contract. It is crucial; many hide their poor services in ambiguous documents. These have to be clear, and if they have many technical terminologies, consult an expert.

• There are 2 types of hosting that currently prevail in the market, the one that uses the Linux operating system and the one that uses the Windows operating system. The first is the most used, cheapest, and equally secure and robust.

• If you have a Cheap Windows VPS Server hosting by with little space, it is feasible that you read your emails with programs such as Outlook, Windows Live, Thunderbird, and above all, try to disable the option "Save a copy on the server".

• If you do not require to use the webmail (program to read emails via the web) of your hosting. Configure your accounts in popular systems such as Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail, Google APPS, or others. That way, your hosting only serves as a transfer and not use your space to store emails.

• If you have a blog and want to save space, what you can do is link or insert videos or photos from external websites. (Warning: If those websites that you used as support disappear, the visual material that you linked too)

There are cheap Netherlands VPS server hosting services by onlive server that include a free domain if you can opt for those since you save by paying a single package. But onlive server hosting provider gives you control over the domain after you dispense with their service.

Final Words

Onlive server suggests you with some Cheap Linux VPS Server hosting services that can help you, but the disadvantage of these is that they are limited in applications. You are at the mercy of the advertising; they include possible virus infection. If the server goes down, you cannot complain as if you pay for it, and above all, it is not a good alternative if you want to give a severe image to your company.



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