For companies looking for more stability and control on their websites, it would be a wise idea to go for cheap dedicated server hosting.
Businesses, no matter what their size is, are constantly facing several options in the category of server hosting solutions. They have a plethora of options to choose from when it comes to hosting their mail servers, applications, and sites. By far, shared server hosting has remained one of the most common options where the resources of a single server are shared by several users. This kind of server hosting is not stable and reliable and therefore companies that are in the lookout of extra control on their servers should opt for cheap dedicated server hosting.

What is Dedicated Server Hosting?
Cheap dedicated server hosting means getting the whole server from the hosting provider. This means that the users on such servers will have access to all the resources of the server instead of having access to just a part of the resources. It is the hosting provider who owns the complete hardware. This means that the up-front expenses shall below. This kind of server hosting is far more advantageous than purchasing and operating a website server on your own. Some of the most significant advantages of cheap storage dedicated server hosting are as follows:
The Servers are Not Shared
One of the most primary features of cheap dedicated server hosting is that the server is not shared with all the other users. This sets dedicated server hosting apart from the other two hosting options, namely shared and VPS hosting. It is this core attribute of cheap dedicated server hosting that drives many of the advantages derived from this kind of server hosting. Users going for dedicated servers have complete control on the stability, environment, security and reputation of their servers mainly because they are not sharing the servers with the other customers of the hosting provider.
Improved Stability
For the ones who have plans of maintaining maximum server uptime, affordable storage dedicated server hosting might be the ultimate solution. Shared hosting generally works for sites with low traffic. Nevertheless, gaming sites that have chances of experiencing a lot of traffic should always make it a point to go for a gaming dedicated server. This is mainly due to the fact that gaming dedicated servers are more reliable and stable in comparison to shared servers. This means that the gaming enthusiasts will have a great gaming experience as they will have easy and free access to all the resources of the server. The users hosting their sites of dedicated servers also do not need to worry about resources losses during peak times or when they run bad scripts.
Improved Security
Going for cheap dedicated server hosting solutions means having the confidence that you will not be sharing server space with spammers and virus-ridden sites. Dedicated servers from Onlive Server come loaded with Intel Core i5 processors, 16 GB DDR4 RAM, 4 CPU cores, 3.70 GHz CPU speed, 1 dedicated IP address and 2x500 GB SATA storage along with an unlimited bandwidth of up to 100Mbps. All these features are available within an affordable range of 4497.68 INR per month. The operating system options include Linux and Windows while in the control panel category, users get cPanel.
The environment offered by dedicated servers is not vulnerable to compromised security practices of the other users. Cheap dedicated server hosting offers better security in comparison to shared or virtual private hosting. And this is specifically significant for businesses handling sensitive data in large amounts.
Users on Dedicated Servers have Exclusive IP Addresses
Each and every dedicated server comes with its very own exclusive IP address. However, this is not the case with shared server hosting where users generally need to share their IP addresses with various other sites. This might mean risking the site ranking to get pushed down in case any of the other sites start sending spam or have explicit content being showcased. Going for dedicated hosting means having easy access to one’s own server with an exclusive IP address. This means better control of the reputation of the IP. This is crucial for every individual but highly important for e-commerce sites.

Some frequently asked questions about dedicated server hosting are as follows:
1. Is greater flexibility a guarantee with dedicated server hosting?
Going for dedicated servers means greater flexibility in server customization. Users on such servers get the option of choosing the software and platform that best suits their business requirements. Additionally, all hardware changes and software updates take place as per schedule without any coordination requirements.
2. Is low cost possible with dedicated hosting?
Low upfront expenses are a possibility with dedicated server hosting. Dedicated server hosting means you will have your services always up and smoothly running without having to spend a huge amount of money. You are not only paying a nominal amount for the entire server but even fetching the advantages of being in top-notch data centers.
3. What about maintaining equipment?
Going for dedicated hosting means automatically eliminating the headache of having to maintain all the equipment on your own. It is the server hosting provider that takes up the responsibility of hardware maintenance.
4. Is dedicated server hosting the sweet spot between VPS and shared hosting?
Yes. It helps in removing the stress and the hassle of sharing server resources while eliminating the pitfalls of shared hosting.
5. How to choose the right server hosting provider?
Keep your requirements in mind to make the right choice.